Cancellation Procedure

  1. To cancel a booking, Kindly fill cancellation form.
  2. A booking may be cancelled up to 72 hours before your drop off time. You will receive a full refund minus £ 12.99 (less Booking Fees and Upsells), unless you have purchased cancellation waiver. Cancellation waivers can be purchased at the time of booking. No refund can be considered if you give us less than 72 hours’ notice.
  3. All cancellation requests must be confirmed in writing by our customer service department to be valid for a refund. Please note that cancellation requests can only be processed during office hours.
  4. Customers who do not turn up at the car park for which the service is booked, or who do not turn-up in time to catch their flight, are not entitled to a refund.
  5. Cancellations cannot be accepted for any supersaver or non-flexible parking product.
  6. Any customer wishing to curtail the length of stay for a service, once the service has commenced, will be liable to pay the fee for the whole of the service booked.
  7. All booking transaction charges levied by banks, credit card and other providers of financial services are strictly non-refundable.